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5 Leadership Responses to

World-Wide Panic

How to Embrace an Inspiring Growth Mindset

March 13, 2020

Mark P. Fisher is a growth specialist.

Mark inspires growth with leaders and their brands. His VIP clients have experienced between 42%-87% growth.

The world is going CRAZY!

Here is what I’m advising my Inspiring Growth VIP clients when it comes to leadership, communications, being human and refunds.

I have added point 6 below. This is a constantly updating list of suggestions as leaders share their insights. If you have something that is working for you and your organization, please email me.

(1) Treat others as you want to be treated.

Let's show an enormous amount of understanding and generosity of spirit and resources with our staff and customers. Put yourself in their shoes.

Q. If you are a customer or staff, how would you want to be treated?

(2) Take care of your own emotional health - first.

When we’re stressed, anxious or fearful…it’s like a toxic oil spill poisoning everyone around us. We make poor decisions. We light the fire of chaos. What we think about will affect our emotions, mindset and ultimately our actions.

Q. What can you do (throughout the day) to get and maintain inner peace so you can lead from quiet strength others will follow?

Q. Using the healthy list of things to think on from Philippians 4-8, what can you reduce or eliminate from your thoughts and what can you add?

(3) Focus on actions.

More is done through motion than meditation. Use brevity to answer two important questions most are asking:

Q. What is your organization doing to keep your team and customers healthy?

Q. What is your cancellation or refund policy? (Remember #1)

(4) Engage others.

Great leaders ask good questions. Call upon God for humility, strength and curiosity to discover healthy paths forward. Share what is helping you.

Q. What questions should you be asking?

Q. What does your team think is the next, best step?

Q. What are other leaders (you respect) doing and saying?

(5) Remember, great leaders define reality.

We’re all leading through something none of us has experienced before. We are building an airplane mid-air.After you wrestle with these two questions, declare your answers with a hopeful, humble confidence to your team and customers.

Q. What is true about your present situation (even if it is uncomfortable)?

Q. What do you desire for your team and customers going forward?

Now, cast your vision so others can follow.

(6) What would you add?

From Michael Perry | President Spring Hill Camps

  •  Be calm (ice in your veins)
  • Be engaged and present

From Klementia X. Sula

  • A leader is transparent especially in times of crisis.

From Tim Tompkins referring to his CEO Joshua Lusk at Cause Inspired Media:

  • Consistent and comforting messaging.

From Ted Cunningham | Pastor, Woodland Hills Family Church

  • To the business owners and employers of our community. I so appreciate your hearts for your employees. I also feel your pain as you make very difficult decisions. Please remember, you are your employees’ employer, not their God. He is ultimately their provider. Be kind, sacrificial and generous, but don’t try to be God. He alone is the Creator and Sustainer of life.

From Bob Tiede | Author and Leading with Question website

These are absolutely unprecedented times! But what an opportunity for leaders to lead! I can't but help recall Winston Churchill, barely six weeks in office as Britain’s prime minister and confronted with the threat of invasion from Nazi-occupied France, rising in the House of Commons and in 36 minutes of soaring oratory, sought to rally his countrymen with what has gone down in history as the greatest speech ever spoken in English! His speech ended with theses words:

“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour!’”

This is an opportunity to come alongside your staff - clients/customers - competitors to ask:

  • How are you doing?
  • How can I help?
  • How might we work together for the benefit of all?

May this indeed be your Finest Hour!

From Michael Hyatt | CEO | Michael Hyatt & CO

As a leader, it’s more important than ever to have a plan in crises like this.

With a plan, you can instill courage in your anxious team, inspire your clients and customers, and emerge on the other side unscathed.

To get to this point, there are many factors to consider, however. How will this crisis affect cashflow? What about vendors and getting products to ship? What do these times call for?

There are several ways you can respond as a leader.

You can dismiss the fear of your team, you can contribute to the fear of your team, or you can encourage the people who look to you by giving them a plan.

A well thought out plan can soothe an anxious heart.

It’s what your people need from you right now.